Categories: Creativity, AI, Product, Healthcare
In January 2021, I completed Udacity’s AI Product Manager Nanodegree program. In this program, I gained additional PM experience, completed several projects, and obtained hands-on experience using Google Cloud and the Appen platform. The images that are shown here reflect some of my submissions.
Here is an excerpt from my final project, entitled “Improving Patient Nourishment with AI.”
The phrase “hospital food” frequently conjures up imagery of unappetizing trays of cold, bland dishes that are often set aside rather than consumed. Unfortunately, this is the sad reality for many patients whose need for protein and calories is much greater than when they are healthy.
Unfortunately, “…most hospitals are cash-strapped and see treating patients, rather than feeding them, as a priority. Hospitals devote about one percent of their total budget to food, which breaks down to an average of $8 per patient a day.” (CBC.CA) And with ~30% of this food being discarded, the problem is further magnified.
Yet studies have shown that if you give patients high-quality food that aligns with their exact needs (diet, preferences, and schedule), they will recover faster and will have fewer overall complications.
Thus, this presents a real challenge that needs to be addressed and can likely be solved with the use of AI/ML.
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