Categories: Course Design & Development, Research
This project focused on the design and implementation of an instructor-led, two-semester course on advanced interface design and application development.
Over the course of three months, I developed over 120 pages of course materials and a video to provide instruction over a ten-week timeframe. This project was extremely challenging as it required creative thinking and the careful assembly of numerous technologies, including Figma, Gatsby, and React.js.
I’m proud of this effort because it represents a unique opportunity to share my knowledge with a broader audience. The university continues to offer this course today.
Upon completion of the second course, students will be able to:
• Gain additional interface design experience using Figma.
• Learn how to transform a visual design into working code using Bootstrap and Zeplin.
• Understand the differences between SPAs and PWAs.
• Gain valuable technical experience using Gatsby.js, a popular static site generator.
• Manage their codebase using GitHub.
• Store and manage content using Contentful.
• Deploy and manage their application using Netlify.
• Gain design and development experience using Google’s Material Design System.
• Create their own design system.
Copyright © Adrian Daniels, 2004-2021